The University shall primarily provide advanced education, higher technological, professional instruction and training in the fields of education, agriculture, forestry, fishery, maritime education, ecology, engineering, philosophy, information and communications technology, letters, arts and sciences, nursing, medicine and other relevant fields of study. It shall also undertake research and extension services in support of the socioeconomic development of Antique, and provide progressive leadership in its areas of specialization.


A premier university in transforming lives, and building sustainable and resilient communities


To uplift the lives of the Antiqueños and the Filipinos, UA shall produce empowered individuals through quality instruction, innovative research and development programs, sustainable resource generation activities, and relevant extension services.


  • GOAL 1 (ACADEMICS): Deliver quality instruction responsive to the needs of the local communities while conforming to international standards.
  • GOAL 2 (RESEARCH): Produce relevant, innovative, interdisciplinary, and interdisciplinary researches
  • GOAL 3 (EXTENSION): Implement collaborative, sustainable, and research-based extension and training services
  • GOAL 4 (RESOURCE GENERATION): Develop and enhance viable and sustainable resource-generating activities
  • GOAL 5 (GOVERNANCE): Enhance good governance and efficient administrative services
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